Let me take a second to digest what the past two episodes of season 5 part 2 have brought to my life.
Vince Gilligan (The shows creator) and his team are drug dealers of the television world! They've made a product so good to take it away from me I will most certainly have to go into rehab along with millions of others around the world, but not without these last few doses before the big rehabilitation!
Finally Marie gets some punch! No more Mrs whiny DEA wife! She's about to kick ass! The scene between her and Skyler was perfection! I feel if the story line had happened in season four then this scene would of been strung out until the final few episodes but Vince has this show in TURBO and we're cutting corners and getting to the good stuff which I am not complaining!
In this episode Skyler really stole the show for me, it's crunch time for her and her fears of Walt getting caught and having her family ripped apart are starting to become a reality and how she handles this, will be a real testament to where her allegiance lies. We know she's supported Walt in the seasons gone, but that's when it was a tight operation and the truth wouldn't be revealed, and that scene involving Hank and herself is brilliant. Skyler doesn't stop thinking or processing from the moment she arrives and it doesn't stop and I don't think she will from now until the end of the show. She'll stick by Walt until the very end, she's a criminal in the eyes of the law so the only option is say true to her word and stay behind her husband!
Now one lady who is staying true to her word is Lydia, and since the last episode she given the old hive ho from Walt and Skyler now she has to get her own hands dirty and take control of the situation along with the help of Todd. These whole section of this show is brilliant! Lydia is a business woman through and through. She doesn't get her hands dirty and she doesn't need to, but now we see her in a situation where she's FORCED too, and it's BRILLIANT! That scene where she has Todd guide her through the dead bodies is great because it shows this fragility of Lydia. She is human, she will be affected deeply if she see those bodies She can't afford to go off the rails and let her emotions get in the way of her judgement because she is steering a mutli-million pound business! She's can't go down the path Jesse is on, but i feel that we'll see what's happening to Walters meth empire closer to the end.
Another great, well rounded episode 9/10......
Well the pace is DEFINITELY picking up and speeds unimaginable! Shows like this are at it's best when the time is limited and they have to keep the show fast pasted and on going! This episode has been the episode many of the fans have been waiting for and the explosion is going to be BIG.
Jesse is the most relate-able character, he's not hard like Walter, Walter has made himself hard due thinking after this mess there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, there will a saving grace and maybe he will be able to skip into the sunset with his wife and kids, but for Jesse who doesn't have a support or a net, he's been affected by these murders and these deaths and it's all he's been thinking about, and now it's all coming to head.
Jessie knows!!! (If you've seen the episode you'll know what about)
I can't wait to see what he does as the last imagine was of him going absolutely crazy, which Aaron Paul does brilliantly, he is an actor who is able encompass every emotion under the sun and be truthful and honest and HUMAN, and his reaction which every that may be is justified in the world of breaking bad! So you go AARON PAUL!.... BITCH!
Now onto the actual confession and I can't put into words how BRILLIANT it is, yet so obvious... that half way through I just had to laugh and chuckle because the whole set up from Sklyer helping him film the video, the awkward meeting at the restaurant, to when Hank and Marie finally watch the DVD. All of it is laid out so brilliantly, each previous episode, each encounter he's ever had with drug lords Walt uses all of this information to spin it onto Hank and have him as the master mind Heisenberg which makes PERFECT sense, and battle lines have been drawn. I'm rooting for Hank to find a way to get out of this grip so they can go back to this power struggle, because it's BRILLIANT!
These characters are getting into some serious hot water! This whole arc is going to be every crime Walt/Jesse has committed in past seasons are going to come back to haunt them in ways not even I can predict!
5 episodes left and I don't have a CLUE what's going on. Others are saying Walt is going to kill Jesse but for me that's too obvious and not calculated enough. Walt needs to find a way to slow Jesse down without killing him.... Or he might just kill him. Who knows!
10/10.... (Bitch)
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