Monday, 14 October 2013

Forgive me for I have sinned

Well this is BY FAR the best episode in season 3. In true revenge style the plot is slowly unraveled and each scene is wrote with the up most precision, each detail is carefully though about especially to give so much information in forty minutes is just mind blowing.

So onto the show!
My friend has coined the term HBIC (Head bitch in charge) and this is going to Charlotte, even though she's just starting out you can see if she carries on thinking for herself, she'll turn into her mother faster than Conrads (non existent) Huntingtons kills him! But what's also very odd is why Patrick Greyson/ other surname is giving our Emily the shady eyes all the time! Obviously Victoria has said nothing but horrible things about her during the time they spent together but he needs to keep his shady looks to himself! 

I was never a fan of Victoria and Aiden and no one likes a double crosser or a snitch. (Jessie from breaking bad) but in true revenge style there is always a hidden agenda and a twist.

I'm not sure why this french lady is in the show but she's very annoying, trying to seduce puppet Daniel and now trying to seduce boring jack, but if she isn't killed off by the end of the season OR a good twist then i'm not going to be pleased.

This show is a Female dominated show, with the men not being as ferocious to each other as the women are. Every scene that involves Emily and Victoria is a delight they throw shade better than drag queens do but always with a smile fixed on their faces which is brilliant to watch, the writers always hit the nail on the head

THE FINAL TEN MINUTES HAS ARRIVED. These final ten are always the best, and this twist sees Conrad leaving to confess to all of his sins and to absolve David Clarke of his smeared reputation.. and in true Victoria style she screams:


And well, it's not like Victoria to break a promise like that and just before the end, things got explosive in the shockingly best way possible! BRING ON EPISODE 4! 


Monday, 30 September 2013

This is a Throne I shall keep


Revenge is back boys and girls! With a BANG! Two bangs in the form of bullets aimed at our leading lady! Emily Throne/Amanda Clarke.

Now here's a run down characters reappearance in this episode because in my eyes it was BRILLIANT as usual.

Victoria is back and HAPPY?! Very happy because Justin Hartly (Smallville's Green arrow) Is by her side and she feels a weight lifted as he accepts her with open arms. 

Is that a bad bitch I see from the distance walking closer and closer.. is it Emily??! Not quite it's Charlotte and after loosing Declan and their baby, she's turned cold, just like her mother I can see her turning into a cold hearted woman if crossed with. Not up to the standards of Emily and Victoria but she's already walking the same path, which will be very good to watch. I sense this season she will find out who her true father is. 

Ashley who?!  This poor girl is trying SO hard to climb to the top, she'd even confusing her self, one minute she's with Jack, then Conrad and now she's trying to bleed Emily for information or whatever it was she was doing. Her scenes are dragging, and just pure annoying. 

Jack is not so annoying! That brilliant scene between him and Emily was so heart warming, but he cannot forgive or forget and breaks Amanda's heart. I say Amanda because it was always the Amanda side who loved Jack not the mask she wears for vengeance, but it was nice to see her vulnerable and hurt. But then jack goes back to being annoying by deciding not to side with Emily and giving her an ultimatum. LAME. Go back to sleep jack.

Conrad is his usual self, still trying to run for something that involves a lot of money. I can never keep tabs on what it is apart form "Candidacy"  but obviously Emily and Nolan have other plans, and trick him into think he has Huntington's which is terrible and sends shivers thought the rest of the Greyson clan. Though it's all a ploy to knock him down a peg or two. Well congrats Emily it worked! 

Nolan being released from Prison is a changed man, in terms of not being an IT geek. So he has to stay low but I like tech wizard Nolan so I hope he does do it again, and I was hoping for a new look as well but ahh well! A boy can dream! 

Aiden makes a surprise return! In what is to be a change of sides! How much will he reveal about Emily, and how far is he willing to go to exact his own revenge. Especially aligning himself with Victoria Greyson. This shall be an interesting series!


Neverland?! I hope we never leave!


Season 3 has begun and like most episodes of OUAT the writers like to remind us why we're watching. So we're transported into the past where Henry is born and Emma is determined not to be a mother. FLASH-FORWARD to a boat where Emma is determined to get her son back. 

Now the real story begins. Our crew of Snow, Charming, Hook, Rumple, the Evil queen herself Regina and Emma race through the portal to Neverland on a ship! It's brilliant that they're all mortal enemies yet also all family (Excluding hook who is the ships captain) and the dynamics of them having to work as a team will be great to see through the first half of the season. 
Off the bat Rumple has already told Emma some hard truths about her not believing in magic WHICH is brilliant to start off with so early on the season.

Que personal FLASHBACK:

- Do you remember when Cora (Regina's mother) the self proclaimed Queen of hearts tried to take Emma's heart but couldn't and they brushed it off with that Emma is a product of true love? -

Well that annoyed me due to the fact that the only woman who had a vault full on hearts and couldn't take Emma's was brushed off so easily by everyone. Emma has never been a believer and she's always looking for facts which is completely correct and now she's going to a place where belief is key to winning Henry back.

Next stop MERMAIDS love to rock the boat (See what I did there) which is clearly shown in this episode! But no Ariel! Possibly her sisters, never the less I'm sure she's close by as Regina decided to turn her sister into wood! Which was a BRILLIANT scene temperatures are rising and everyone is fighting, brilliant in giving the audience what they wanted right at the start!

On top of that Neverland holds a lot of secrets, which is SO FRUSTRATING due to the fact that only Emma, Henry, Tamara and Greg no nothing about this Island apart from it's name and the entire cast know EVERYTHING but no one has mentioned anything at all. Talk about keeping an audience waiting!

But to wrap it up with the WORST ending that the show could give us. We discover who peter pan is and him and the shadow could be one (I thought they could be two separate beings) so with that information given to us and now he has Henry cornered... What does the evil pan want?! So evil that he's had THE DARK ONE in tears on the floor.... So evil that he snatches children from the UK.... So evil that he's gathered soon to be robin hoods band of not so merry men.... Oh he wants Henry's heart. -The heart of the truest believer - ..... That it?! All this effort for his heart.

OUAT I would like a complicated plot, i want death, I want explanation and I want Henry to get hurt because he is SO ANNOYING. I'll give him some leverage because his opening scene, landing on Neverland with his captors was full of fight and spunk. So I applaud to you Henry but apart from that don't speak. 

Overall GREAT episode, all will be revealed slowly and in time which I'm sure will be great, but i want it now! 
Bring on Episode 2 called THE LOST GIRL. 

Keep believing kids! 


A whole host of juicy delicious shows have come back to us. God bless September television and the months to follow that will bring us back glorious television pleasure! So sit back and listen to my opinion on everything that comes out of box in your living room!  

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Promos 2013

New Promos have been released for the new upcoming seasons starting in September and they're amazing.
The first Promo is REVENGE Season 3!

Promo (Watch before reading):

I am a MASSIVE revenge fan and I love how each character has a motive and is plotting to overthrow each other, with the overarching theme of The Americon Initiative being the bad guys using the Greyson family as their puppets,  but this promo has shocked me because within the first opening sequence we see Emily in a wedding dress... on a boat (They love to have showdowns on the beach or on the sea don't they!) But that's not the shocker it's the two bullets being fired into Emily's stomach!


Along with these questions the rest of the promos are snapshots of the characters and their new make overs, getting all romantic,Nolan arriving in style to a party, a snapshot of a topless man (possibly Victoria's son). Conrad collapsing while taking a speech!
It all seems every exciting! I can't wait!


AHHHHH! As you've seen there is no new footage! BUT THAT'S OKAY!
Because it's having me very hype to have it back! I've never been so pumped to see what the writers do with Never land, Peter, the shadow and his clan of not so lost boys!
As usual it revolves around Henry! That kid is so annoying, but I'm still excited to see how it all turns out.
Will the shadow and Rumple have a big massive brawl and the end to save Henry's life?!
Will Emma FINALLY use her powers?! You just know when the Queen of hearts (Cora) can't take your heart that you're a powerful MOFO. So why hasn't she kicked some serious butt?!  Hopefully she does this time!
This is the final scenes which actually gets me more excited than the promo:
But I can't wait till it's back on our screens! Just give us some new footage!



New footage! But no lights?! I thought the power got turned at the end of season 1?!
So why do I see characters using fire as a torch!?! So confused!
Now me and Revolution have never really seen eye to eye! The concept is brilliant, the acting is great but the story line just flops, and i don't know why!?! I just turned off, then I saw a advert for it on UK TV and decided i hadn't caught up. So i sat down and decided to just pick a random episode and catch up from the first minute on the show. "PREVIOUSLY ON REVOLUTION"..... And I found out the annoying brother died and the mum was going to some building. It's all very BLA BLA BLA.
But i'm still interested! I hope season 2 has a boost! It reminds me of season 1 of OUAT. It was very BLA - A crazy boy talking about stories and trying to convince his newly met birth mother etc.
But season 2 things really started to heat up! So i'm hoping for that to happen in Revolution!
If not i'll just switch off! I don't want that to happen because it's a great concept!


Now THIS is what i'm excited for, these promo trailers are brilliant, they give nothing away, nothing that we don't already know! It's about witches......
Yet it's spooky and creepy, and magical which is just brilliant!
We haven't seen any of the main characters (I think) so hopefully they'll make an appearance in a trailer closer to the release date of the show!
But this is one to watch!
There are already Three other teaser promo's so go hunt those down, they do not disappoint!
If you've never seen it before and you're into all this creepy, gory stuff i suggest you add this show to your list and catch up on  it's a gem of a show, you can get through two seasons before it starts! You'll be hooked!



Well the glee trailer hosted by Darren Criss is most definitely intriguing, with a double episode playing tribute to the Beatles! So that should be a cracking episode, glee have a way of putting a twist on well known songs and having that extra POW!
But what is really on everyone's mind is how they're going to tackle the issue of Fin Hudson, played by the late Cory Monteith! Which will no doubtably be a big story lines in the show.
But back to the teaser! No principle Figgins?!! What's all that about. Figgin's dead pan speeches are brilliant and performed so well! I'm not too sure about Sue anymore these days, Sue has hit her stride, granted her Nicki Minaj face off with Blaine was just out of this world brilliance, the whole baby story lines was just odd. But as long as we get more Coach Roz Washington (NeNe Leaks) and Sue face off I'll be happy!
With new characters being played by Demi Lovato and Adam lambert prove to give the show a new flare hopefully!
I'm excited to see how each character develop and grow especially characters away from the Glee club, Rachel, Santana and Kirk.


Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Breaking Bad is moving at a breaking record pace! Ep 2 & 3

Let me take a second to digest what the past two episodes of season 5 part 2 have brought to my life.

Vince Gilligan (The shows creator) and his team are drug dealers of the television world! They've made a product so good to take it away from me I will most certainly have to go into rehab along with millions of others around the world, but not without these last few doses before the big rehabilitation!


Finally Marie gets some punch! No more Mrs whiny DEA wife! She's about to kick ass! The scene between her and Skyler was perfection! I feel if the story line had happened in season four then this scene would of been strung out until the final few episodes but Vince has this show in TURBO and we're cutting corners and getting to the good stuff which I am not complaining!
In this episode Skyler really stole the show for me, it's crunch time for her and her fears of Walt getting caught and having her family ripped apart are starting to become a reality and how she handles this, will be a real testament to where her allegiance lies. We know she's supported Walt in the seasons gone, but that's when it was a tight operation and the truth wouldn't be revealed, and that scene involving Hank and herself is brilliant. Skyler doesn't stop thinking or processing from the moment she arrives and it doesn't stop and I don't think she will from now until the end of the show. She'll stick by Walt until the very end, she's a criminal in the eyes of the law so the only option is say true to her word and stay behind her husband!

Now one lady who is staying true to her word is Lydia, and since the last episode she given the old hive ho from Walt and Skyler now she has to get her own hands dirty and take control of the situation along with the help of Todd. These whole section of this show is brilliant! Lydia is a business woman through and through. She doesn't get her hands dirty and she doesn't need to, but now we see her in a situation where she's FORCED too, and it's BRILLIANT! That scene where she has Todd guide her through the dead bodies is great because it shows this fragility of Lydia. She is human, she will be affected deeply if she see those bodies She can't afford to go off the rails and let her emotions get in the way of her judgement because she is steering a mutli-million pound business! She's can't go down the path Jesse is on, but i feel that we'll see what's happening to Walters meth empire closer to the end.

Another great, well rounded episode 9/10......


Well the pace is DEFINITELY picking up and speeds unimaginable! Shows like this are at it's best when the time is limited and they have to keep the show fast pasted and on going! This episode has been the episode many of the fans have been waiting for and the explosion is going to be BIG.

Jesse is the most relate-able character, he's not hard like Walter, Walter has made himself hard due thinking after this mess there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, there will a saving grace and maybe he will be able to skip into the sunset with his wife and kids, but for Jesse who doesn't have a support or a net, he's been affected by these murders and these deaths and it's all he's been thinking about, and now it's all coming to head.
Jessie knows!!! (If you've seen the episode you'll know what about)
I can't wait to see what he does as the last imagine was of him going absolutely crazy, which Aaron Paul does brilliantly, he is an actor who is able encompass every emotion under the sun and be truthful and honest and HUMAN, and his reaction which every that may be is justified in the world of breaking bad! So you go AARON PAUL!.... BITCH!

Now onto the actual confession and I can't put into words how BRILLIANT it is, yet so obvious... that half way through I just had to laugh and chuckle because the whole set up from Sklyer helping him film the video, the awkward meeting at the restaurant, to when Hank and Marie finally watch the DVD. All of it is laid out so brilliantly, each previous episode, each encounter he's ever had with drug lords Walt uses all of this information to spin it onto Hank and have him as the master mind Heisenberg which makes PERFECT sense, and battle lines have been drawn. I'm rooting for Hank to find a way to get out of this grip so they can go back to this power struggle, because it's BRILLIANT!

These characters are getting into some serious hot water! This whole arc is going to be every crime Walt/Jesse has committed in past seasons are going to come back to haunt them in ways not even I can predict!

5 episodes left and I don't have a CLUE what's going on. Others are saying Walt is going to kill Jesse but for me that's too obvious and not calculated enough. Walt needs to find a way to slow Jesse down without killing him.... Or he might just kill him. Who knows!

10/10.... (Bitch)

Monday, 12 August 2013


The day has come when the 2nd half of AMCs BREAKING BAD RETURNS!! REJOICE FANS! Our meth god has returned along side him is his crumbling assistant!

If you don't know what breaking bad is, or you've thought about watching it and never really got round to it. OR you're watching it from the start and just making your way through....


Hi guys for those who are upto date may I just say:


This episode marked the long awaited return and they did not disappoint. The episode jumps straight off the back of the last episode where Hank found out about Walters alter ego and from then we'll see a series of events that will play out to the post-apocalyptic future we were shown in the first episode of season 5 and the first episode of Season 5.2. where Walt is alive, and has hair is fully grown, yet his life seems to be destroyed, all know about his identity and it seems that maybe hank?! send the SWAT team in to destroy the house. BUT THAT'S JUST A THEORY.

Moving on swiftly the show has this brilliant way of honing in on the realistic characterization of each indiviual, so the viewers don't feel alientanted, i.e. since season 2 Jessie has been a wreck (Which is an understatement) and has fallen deeper and deeper into meth hell, and the writers are keeping that going with that, because in reality, no one is going to be sane and calm after what a boy his age, has witnessed.

Walter on the other hand, has had a harder time because as the creator, boss, the main man he needs to deal with everything including the jessies meltdown, including the drug bosses and it's the case of 'if you can't beat them join them and take them down from the inside.' Which is what we've seen, yet Walter knows the value of the TRUTH and that is, the truth makes people uneasy, cautious, they'd react without thinking so he masks the truth and every turn.

Twice in the episode he lied to Jessie about Mike’s disappearance because he treats Jessie like a he's back in school, using a soft voice yet sure and authoritative, because with Jessie on side then it's less problems for Walter but if Jessie found out the truth THEN SHIT WOULD GO DOWN.

Which we're all hoping for! As usual it was lovely to see Saul and how he stays in business we'll never know! Don't they have inspections?! Either way he’s brilliant or I hope he gets his spin off show! 

I wonder how the TWO MOST ANNOYING WIVES AND SISTERS will react to their wold being blown apart. Yes Skyla and Marie, are so dull. It's great how at the start of the season Marie is so forceful and Skyla is an annoying throne in Walters’s side. Then as the series progressed Skyla takes control of her life, and he family, while Marie is crushed by Hanks ego and is now a whiney mess. 

OVERALL this show is MAGNIFICENT, each season has something new and shocking and I doubt this will one will fail us, the writers have made a ripple effect show, Walters actions were pure at first and he's had to make hard choices to get rid of one problem which created 3 more problems, and he gets sucked into the world of having to deal with these never ending problems by lying and playing the game all due to wanting a better life for his family, and the writers always have a way of bringing that back in somehow which is a testament to the show, it has its feet firmly placed on the ground. 

 So MORE Hank and Walter fights, MORE Jessie losing his god damn mind, MORE scared Lydia because that's hilarious. SOMEONE please get rid of Walter Jr the boy is just a ballache or someone give him a new car so he can drive off and never return. The acting, directing, writing is the best I've seen in years!  

"If you don't know who I am, maybe your best course is to tread lightly" -W.W.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

This thorne can stay in my side!


L-R: Druggy Charlotte Greyson. Nerdy Nolan Ross, Twink Declan Porter, Emily Throne Aka Amanda Clake Aka BAMF, Deluded Jack Porter, Little boy playing grown up Daniel Greyson and Two Face Ashley Davenport  

This show packs action, style, bitchiness all served on a the coldest of platters, and I LOVE IT! Revenge tells the story of Amanda Clarke and her quest for justice as her father who is wrongly convicted of a terrorist attack by those closest to him and is later killed in prison. A cruel fate for anyone, once a young Amanda gets out of juvy and  learns the truth about her father like any natural teenage she finds a martial arts master who also has a B.A. in revenge and owns his own school where he trains her to become a smart assassin, and in light of her new life Amanda decides swaps her name with her juvy cell mate Emily Thorne and sets a course for the family and all those who helped frame her father and eventually lead to his death, with devious intentions. (I'm really starting to like that word devious, just rolls off your tongue doesn't it?!) 

Fast forward 3 seasons and things are well underway, the characters are more devious (I really need to stop) and cunning than ever, for example scenes that involve husband and wife Conrad and Victoria Greyson the main people responsible for Amanda's (now Emily) fathers fall from grace, yet you'd think a husband and wife involved in such scrupulous outside activities would support each other. NOT ON THIS SHOW! It seems to be a running theme nowadays that marriage isn't as lovely dovey in drama's anymore and that it's full of lies, suspicion and death! Yet gays still can't get married in places around the world! What's all that about! Anyway... while the not so loving husband and wife try and slit each others throats episode to episode their unruly kids have also picked up certain crazy genes. Charlotte is a school girl turned druggy turned soon to be baby momma, Daniel the alcoholic, bad driver turned naive businessman, the family dinners are a thrill to watch!

The character work is brilliant from tech geek and businessman Nolan Ross, to the cold stare and ruthless Victoria Greyson. Though the award for the most ANNOYING AND POINTLESS character goes to Emily's juvy cell mate who she swapped names with in flashbacks Amanda Clarke the REAL Emily throne just not as sharp, watching this character grates on my soul, she hinders Emily's plot for revenge even though she is in the loop! Yet sadly after she departs in a BLAZE OF GLORY (HURRAH) Jack porter the boy next door picks up that mantle of the most annoying and pointless character his manly features and muscles are appealing but they won't give him his credibility back, he seems to want his own revenge on the Greysons and clearly his own spin off show, but it's not going to happen jack, he should just sit down and leave the deception and revenge to those who have a degree in it. I.E. Emily Throne.

Though what stands out of me that writers like to cut to the chase in a way that doesn't involve a lot of talking just more doing, so we see Emily plan her next motive then BAM it's already underway and we're only in 15 minutes into the show, another 15 minutes and the plan has been completed and you think and I quote "WHAT THE HELL HAS JUST HAPPENED?! IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS!" - James Bartholomew. (That's me)
Yet to my joy it doesn't end on whatever amazingly cunning revenge style dish Emily served to her victim, you've still got a whole ten minutes left! Now ten minutes might not seem a lot but when a show has basically revealed the build up and climax what more can they tell an audience? A LOT MORE! That's what, a lot of stones still need to be un turned! No other show has this much mystery (that I've seen), which I find brilliant, I applaud the writers and editors of the show! Keep up the good work! 

This show is captivating, bitchy, funny, cute and full of surprises that you won't see coming! Each character is brilliantly written each having a motive, and a past which is safely locked away in their vaults along with their hearts, if you don't already watch the show, watch the first episode and tell me you're not addicted! 


Always remember revenge is always a dish best served COLD. 

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Devious Maids

A new show by Marc Cherry who god bless him created Desperate Housewives and Eva Longoria who portrayed the character Gabby in Desperate Housewives.

Devious Maids combines the sassy script writing and storytelling of Marc Cherry and the insight of Latino lives and heritage and history of the characters which is highly invaluable.

Devious Maids sees four maids (employed by four different families) each with personal goals and in want of a better life yet in the wake of a death of a friend are joined by a fifth (new) maid who is looking for a lot answers and with a whole host of character each with their own dirty secrets the show seems promising.


Now I've already seen five episodes so i'm informed on the show, and I don't want to bore you with episode by episode reviews, so i'm going to do an overview of what I think of the show during the five episodes I've seen.

The show is half and half in my eyes, because it's attached the desperate housewives name it proves promising and in the pilot episode it encapsulated the entire season, especially five minutes after the death of one of her maids Evelyn Powell (a tall ginger lady who takes control and is an independent woman, sound familiar?) She screams at the police "I don't care about Photo's, I don't care about evidence my maid was murdered!! Who is going to clean all this up?? Sets the tone for the entire show which proves to be a promising one. The pilot episode shows the rich white families unsympathetic towards the needs and lives of the maids. The show splits into each of the maids lives at work and each of the different families they work for.
Unlike on desperate housewives these women don't share a strong bond and connection, they're friends but they don't spend much time together or gossip much or joke around due to all working in different houses. Yet the time they have together is spent on their breaks,which in the show is a total of  four minutes inside the forty five minute episode bracket. Inside the maids  own lives the main kick-ass drama comes from only one maid, and that maid doesn't even need the job, It's hinted that she is a rich woman due to her having her own maid in a flashback, and the lives of the other maids are 'normal' in comparison the title 'Devious Maids' It's should be renamed:

 'Four timid maids and one devious maid'

Though the main gripping drama comes from only one maid the other maids lives are shown and their hunger for a better life for either them or their family which holds some of the shows most heart wrenching  moments. The actresses are brilliant in respect that they can portray their characters deep pain and longing though her eyes and facial features which is commendable and a job well done for the casting director, who ever that is needs a pay rise!
The Beverly hills families who employ the maids also have their own lives which involve secret agendas and lies that are slowly revealed though out the course of the show and do not disappoint, these characters create more drama than maids do themselves!

Hopefully I get to see more connections with the maids, I love their individual stories but I want the women to get their hands dirty and see how they're all effected by that, but it's early days yet. It's a strong cast pushing ethnic characters in lead roles into mainstream viewing which is brilliant.
I'm still half and half about how the characters are treated by their families who employ them but I feel that's my own judgement.

I'll still carry on watching the show and if you haven't you should!


Until next time! Stay Devious!

The rise of television

Dear readers,

Hello and welcome to my blog! No need to applaud it's not that big of a deal. (Okay it is!)
This blog will be for the purposes of everything television orientated, I am fascinated that in recent years the rise in the quality of  television from drama's to comedies here in the UK and over the pond in good old US of A and I want to comment on that. 
I'm infatuated by new drama's and stories to mention a few: 

Modern Family  
Breaking Bad
Once upon a time 
Game of thrones 
Devious Maids
American Horror Story

Call the midwife
Downton Abby
Dr Who

I have seen all of these shows and will happily share my views on them and talk about the style and characters, the writing and plot. And more importantly my overall opinion!
I'm going to talk about shows i'm watching at the moment, so currently i'm watching Devious maids so the next blog will be Devious maids orientated and though some shows are on hiatus I will go over some of the previous series that have just finished, but i'll mainly talk about the shows that are still on the air at the moment. I might spoil some stuff, I'll try my best not to, but don't hate if I do! Go watch the show first!

Many Thanks :D